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New smartphone? Setting up the Sparkasse apps on a new device

Setting up the App Sparkasse Business and pushTAN on a new phone/tablet · Instructions

New smartphone? Setting up the Sparkasse apps on a new device

Setting up the App Sparkasse Business and pushTAN on a new phone/tablet · Instructions

Got a new iPhone/iPad or Android device and would like to continue using our apps? This guide explains how to set up the S-pushTAN-App and App Sparkasse Business on a new phone/tablet and what you’ll need to do so.

How to | scom_auh_s_pushtan_app_einrichten

How to:

Setting up S-pushTAN app again – on a new phone/tablet

To set up the S-pushTAN app on a new device, you will need to first install it and then follow these instructions:

Note: These instructions are an example only and may slightly differ depending on your mobile end device or bank.

Setting up the App Sparkasse Business – on a new smartphone

If you are using pushTAN as an authentication procedure, download the S-pushTAN-App and set it up before setting up the App Sparkasse Business on your new smartphone/tablet.

Note: These instructions are an example only and may slightly differ depending on your mobile end device or bank.

Die Harzsparkasse erhielt das Qualitätssiegel Gold für die Beratung von Privatkunden in Sachsen-Anhalt vom Deutschen Institut für Bankentests der renommierten Zeitung DIE WELT.

Die Harzsparkasse belegte beim bundesweiten Qualitäts-Bankentest Platz 3 bei der Beratung von Firmenkunden in Sachsen-Anhalt.

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